HJ10 After Glow Space Chilli Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds
In 1987, Jiang Xingcun, a researcher affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a significant discovery. By subjecting vegetable seeds, including chili seeds, to the zero-gravity environment of space, he managed to induce a dramatic increase in mutation rates—amplified by hundreds of times. This innovative approach led to the remarkable outcome of larger chili sizes and enhanced yields. The driving force behind these space experiments was China’s pursuit of solutions to address the escalating needs of its burgeoning population. Subsequently, China has embarked on sending over 400 diverse plant seed species into space.
Another appealing and mild chili variety is the Hangjiao 10 After Glow. Flourishing within a pot and attaining a height of around 50 cm, these chilies exhibit a Cayenne-like appearance, growing to a length of approximately 12-15 cm. Following in the footsteps of their space-traveled counterparts, they prove highly productive.
Beginning their journey as vibrant green, these chili peppers eventually mature into a vivid shade of red, signifying their readiness for harvest.
Boasting a delightful sweetness, this chili variety holds great potential for enhancing salsas, being pickled, incorporated into salads, or simply relished as a flavorful snack.

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